BioBag® Dog Poop Pickup Bags

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Bio Bag Regular Size

BioBag Pet Waste Bags are made from resin derived from plant starches, vegetable oils and compostable polymers.

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100% Biodegradable - 100% Compostable

Item Number Description Information or Options Price
BioBag® Dog Poop Pickup Bags   

3-100 bag blocks  


Medium Weight Bag
7.8" x 11.9"

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(300 bags in pack)


$28.00 * per pack

(300 bags in pack)

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4-100 bag blocks  

(400 bags in pack)

$38 * per pack

(400 bags in pack)
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USPS Priority Mail
(2-3 days)

Bio Bag Refill Rolls

Standard refill bags for common size dispensers. Also fits in pocket or purse, in Outward Hound® leash bags, or can be used as is.
DR10014 and DR10014-3

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More Info: Gotunnel and Doortosummer sell BioGroups's Bio Bags. This product is made from a plant based polymer and unlike most dog waste bags is not made from petroleum. They are 100% biodegradable dog poop bags. BioBags are 100% compostable as well. BioGroup not only claims that their dog poop bags are biodegradable but compostable down to dust. This combination (biodegradable and compostable) is hard to beat as there are very few dog poop bags made today that are not petroleum based. These plant product based dog poop bags are the best and most completely biodegradable dog waste bags made. Bio Group also makes other green plants based bags. Other biodegradable dog poop bags are not 100% biodegradable or compostable to thesame degree despite their claims. Most other supposed biodegradable dog poop bags are labeled as such because they have been "contaminated” with biodegradable particles. This allows a certain percentage of the plastic bags to break down. This is not the case with Bio-Bags. Bio Bags do not have any plastic in their composition and as such are truly biodegradable and fully compostable waste bags as claimed. Buy 4 blocks of 100 - Shipping is Free. Buy 8 blocks of 50- Shipping is Free. Yes, Buy 8 blocks - Shipping is Free. Gotunnel / doortosummer also offers other dog and pet products including dog agility course tracking software and dog agility equipment such as soft crates and sandbag equipment anchors and also pet publications via our associated websites. Product sales support the maintenance of our free dog friendly listings which include our off-leash dog park and beach listings as well as listings of pet friendly hotels and special places. Gotunnel is dedicated to dog sports and publishes links to popular dog sports sites. Product sales also support dog rescue and a portion of every sale is directed to that endeavor.