doortosummer - Pet Lost and Found (Miami)

Lost Pet Tips

Contact Animal Shelters

Immediately call all animal control and shelter agencies in your area and file a report. Pets can travel a lot farther than you might think so take this into consideration. Some police agencies can also be helpfull especially in a small community where there may not be animal protection services available.

Search the Area

Walk, drive, rollerblade,jog through your neighborhood everyday, more than once. Tell your mailperson, newspaper delivery person, anyone who travels throughout the area to be on the lookout. Sunrise and sunset are good times to find a lost pet.

The Power of Scent

Place clothing, toys, litter box, whatever is familiar to the pet, outside in the yard where they might sense it.


Post fliers in all public places. Laundromats, grocery stores, community centers, mall bulletin boards, churches, veterinery clinics, are all good places and often have boards for notices. Place an ad in your newspaper. Offer an award if possible. To protect yourself from pet-recovery scams, leave out one of your pet's identifying characteristics so you have a method of verifying that the caller really has found your pet.

Check Out ADS

Look through the newspaper and any other place where found pets are listed. The Miami Hearld offers free found ads and is a good place to start looking.

Found Pet Tips

The procedures for locating a lost owner are very similiar to those followed when a pet is lost. There is one advantage and that is most likely, someone is also looking for the pet. There is also a disadvantage and that is you might not find the owner and you are then faced with the decision of adopting the pet or turning it over to an animal agency. The adoption agencies often are overloaded and not very helpfull. Turning the pet in may mean that it will be destroyed.

Advertise and Check ADS

Check any postings in your area. They will be found in the same places mentioned above. Faithfully examine the lost pet ads in the newspaper. Place your own found ad in the paper. You may also choose to use a lost/found matching agency. For your convenience, there is a lost and found listing page at this website.

Where to Advertise - Who to Call

Lost Pet Listings Free lost pet listings - online post or view

Miami Dade Animal Control Lost and Found listings with photos

US STRAY North American Pet Owners Alliance, based in Ft. Lauderdale..will help you look
(954) 486-0605 or (800) 877-8729 (800 US STRAY) 9 a.m to midnight - everyday.

Humane Society of Greater Miami & SPCA Adoptions and Receiving (305) 696-0800 Main Shelter (305) 252-3389 South Dade

Humane Society of Broward County (954)989-3977

Pet Lost and Found call (888) 86U-FOUND - to place free found ad. (900) 86U-LOST - to find lost dog. Phone company bills $2.99/minute for call

Miami Hearld Classified free found ads - Dade (305) 350-2222 - Broward (954) 524-2535 - toll free (800) 678-2527

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